Points of Sail

Points of Sail Concrete Boat Zine


Archimedes the concrete boat is the latest project from points of sail, made in collaboration with Chicago art collective Gear Symbol.

The project began with the team discussing how they could create a physical oxymoron; an object that in it's essence is a contradiction.

The idea of a Concrete Boat was decided upon after discovering the beached WW1 Era concrete transport ships in Virginia Beach. Through scale models and testing, a shape was developed that could both support the weight of a person and be cast in concrete. Six long months of adventure that came to life via Archimedes.

The full process, including everything from ideation and scale models to the final boat is documented in the zine.

Models, sketches, painting, renders are all there to answer the question of "How did they make this? Includes 60 pages of photos, descriptions, QR codes to view documentary and short film, and scale model cutout.

Bound Type
Perfect Bound
Please Allow 4 Weeks To Ship
Points of Sail

Points of Sail is a design agency that takes an outsider approach to solve problems and create new questions. Formed by Larry Tchogninou of Benin, and James Langford of Chicago, Points of Sail uses the world of nautical design as its muse because both of its founders aim to view design problems with fresh eyes.

  • Streetwear
  • Casual
  • Chic
  • Outdoor
  • Festival